
Impact of Television in Our Daily

Local retail advertising, the largest slice of newspaper ad revenues, comes primarily from food and drugs, entertainment and hobbies, housing and decoration, and clothing and general merchandise. Clothing and general merchandise represent nearly half of all retail advertising in newspapers, a fact that makes newspapers vulnerable to any new medium able to provide a large audience for advertising from department and clothing stores.

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Television has replaced newspapers as the prime source of information for the U.S. public. Researchers account for this decline by noting the increased mobility of the population, a mobility that works against the community invo *** ement and familiarity with coverage and layout that characterize newspaper subscribers.

Currently, paid daily newspaper circulation is 57 million, rising to 60.8 million on Sundays. Dailies reach 59.3 percent of households; Sundays, 62.9 percent more people still read a newspaper on a daily basis than Omega Replica do not. In general, those who do not read newspapers fall at "the lower end of the socio-economic ladder; [they] lack re-sources and cognitive skills due to low education, and lack of social contacts and lack of leisure time."83 People who are more invo *** ed in their communities tend to be regular newspaper readers.

Although some disconfirming studies exist, in general scholars have found that those who rely on newspapers for political information are better informed than those who rely on television. The two audiences start with different dispositions. The better educated are more likely to rely on newspapers for information.

Many national advertisers have chosen television over newspapers as their commercial outlet. Such choices, plus regulation of cigarette advertising, mean that only three industries provide two-thirds of all Tag Heuer Carrera Replica advertising in newspapers: automobiles, retail/department stores, and travel/hotels. Combined with movies, real estate, and finance, newspapers secure nearly 80 percent of the advertising revenue. Because the newsstand price provides only about one-fifth and advertising four-fifths of a newspaper's revenue, newspapers are vulnerable to pressures from major advertisers.

Cable television may pose such a threat because it can carry advertising to selected audiences, and when it is interactive, consumers can order products without leaving their living rooms.

